I dont give one ioda funny meme
I dont give one ioda funny meme

i dont give one ioda funny meme

'Every 10 years, there's a book which comes along and says there's violence in the streets, people are starving, anarchy brewing - blame the playmakers. It can turn a woman into a slut, virgins into whores.' He sniggers. It's like: (he puts on a good ol' boy southern twang) that nigger music is turning the white man into an animal. America: 'To me, in 20 years' time it'll be viewed like these old panic books where people are going against rock 'n' roll or comics. He does tell me he hasn't read the book at the centre of the moral panic in the US, Michael Medved's Hollywood vs. While he doesn't have a problem with violence in films, he does have a problem with talking about violence in films. I haven't changed my opinion one iota." So what has Tarantino said about violence in his films? Watch the new interview below, then take a tour through an on-the-record history of Tarantino on violence: And they can look for 20 years what I have to say about it. If anyone cares what I have to say about it they can Google me. I'm not a monkey." As Guru-Murthy kept pressing him, Tarantino said: "The reason I don't want to talk about it is because I've said everything I've had to say about it. I'm not your slave, and you're not my master.


Tarantino talked for a while about why and how he uses violence in his films, but when Guru-Murthy press for more on the connection between movie violence and real violence, the director pressed way back: "I refuse your question. Video is making the rounds of a, shall we say, fraught interview with the British journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Quentin Tarantino is back in the news today and not because his film, Django Unchained, got nominated for Best Picture. This article is from the archive of our partner.

I dont give one ioda funny meme